Sunday, July 8, 2012

John Stout Drake: Farmer AND Preacher?

It's hard enough keeping track of relatives who behave like normal people.  But when they start showing up in places they have no business being, it sends me off the rails.  Recently I've been trying to solve a mystery involving regarding John Stout Drake and his three wives.  It's a date issue.

So, I'm here: at the Family Search website, looking at John Stout Drake's marriage license to third wife Mary M. Pease.  Just before I jumped out of the website, I happened to notice the top entry.  Over in the category regarding who performed the marriage license, is John Stout Drake.  What?  As far as I know, John Stout Drake was a farmer.  And, witnessing this marriage to Renaldo Everett is a Mary Drake -- who could very well be Mary Pease, and Anna Drake who was a daughter from his first marriage.

And if that craziness isn't enough, Renaldo Everett is marrying a Francis McLain, from Ohio.  I have a Francis McLain cousin from Ohio on the other half of my tree.  

I have no idea where to start trying to figure out how John Stout Drake was qualified to marry anybody.  

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