Friday, July 12, 2013

Amos Stout Drake in the Book The Bean Creek Valley ...

First:  I wish I could buy every book I ever wanted regarding my Family Tree as well as all the states and places the lived, as well as books about events that happened in their lifetimes.  Now, the library is  mighty good at providing many of the history books, and the Fort Myers main library, has a pretty awesome genealogical section.  However,  it doesn't have the book The Bean Creek Valley: Incidents of Its Early Settlement: Collected from the Memories of Its Earliest Settlers, Now Living and Verified by Reference to Official Documents by James J Hogaboam.

And since I'm not a multimillion area, I wish it was possible to print that one page from a book that mentions my ancestor  from Google books.  I still haven't figured that out and if there is, indeed, a way, then someone please email me.  Instead, determined to have the information, I will right it down long hand.

Here is an excerpt from the above mentioned book by James J Hogaboam.

Page 129:

"Only the eastern part of the township comes within the scope of our undertaking.  Amos S. Drake settled in town nine South, two west, in December, 1838, but the town settled quite rapidly.
"In February, 1839, Sarah N. Drake died; her funeral sermon was preached by Elder Stout, who, at the time, lived in the vicinity of Bird Lake.  It was the first sermon preached in that town.
"In December, the same year, Samuel Carl and Jane Drake were married by Mr. Fowler, of Camden."
"When Rowland was organized, town nine south was attached, and shared in all the mutations that township endured.
"In 1850, all that part of towns nine south, ranges two and three west, lying within the state of Michigan, and one tier of sections off the south side of town eight south, ranges two and three west, were organized into a new township and called Amboy.  Nearly all the improvements have been made since that time.
"The grist mill owned by Waldron & Hall, was built about thirty years ago, but there was a saw-mill there several years earlier.  Besides this, there is the Higby & Osborn Mill, the Manly or Lewis Mill, and the Bryan Mill.  There has been a Chilson Mill, but it has ceased to work.
"There are two churches, the Baptist and the Methodist, and both have neat and commodious houses.
"The first township meeting was held on 23rd day of April 1850, at the house of Amos Drake.  John King was moderator, and Gideon G King, clerk.  Amos S Drake and John P Corey were inspectors of the election.  Officers elected:  Nathan Dewey, Supervisor: Gideon G King, Clerk; Charles Clark, treasurer.  Nathan Edlinger, John King and Charles S Baker, justices of the peace; Henry Prestage, John Goforth and Gideon F. King, commissioners of highways; Charles Farley and William Drake, school inspectors; Amos S Drake and John King, directors of the poor, and Joseph Philbrick, Charles H Barton and Paden Marshall, constables.

 This book is also for sale at in various forms.  It's on my wish list!