Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dennis E Austin

Dennis E Austin was my great grandfather, father of Illda Martha Austin and husband of Minnie Martha Austin.  I don't ever remember anybody ever even talking about him. I think he was rather handsome.

That moustache would later be waxed and curled in a typical handle bar style.

Dennis E Austin was born on 04 January 1867 in Michigan and died 02 Aug 1912 in Harris County, Texas from malarial fever. I believe Dennis, Minnie and Illda were living in Houston Heights.  He grew up on a farm, but also lived in Texas as a youngster. As an adult, he made a living as a railroad conductor and later as a decorator, painter and paper hanger.  From the letters I have that he wrote him, I think he was speculating in real estate in Houston around the turn of the century.

His father was Leman Austin, his mother Elizabeth "Lizzie" Moore Austin.  He had two brothers:  WM Austin (aka Wibur, aka Will) and Claude Austin (aka Claudie, Clauddie).  Dennis and Minnie had one daughter, my granny Illda Martha Austin -- who was born in Toledo, Ohio.

I have transcribed a letter he wrote home to his parents.  Some of it is difficult to read.  I am typing it exactly as it is written, with bad spelling and punctuation.  It is written on hotel stationery.

"Summit House
        J.B. Taylor, Proprietor
First Class Accommodations
        Headquarters for Traveling Men
                 Located in Central Part of City
                            Rates $1.50 to $2 per day

Saturday, May, but March

                                                          Marquette, Mich., May 5/88

Dear Parents,

              I came to Marquette last night.  I am feeling quite well, for all I am 500 miles from home.  We went to Battle Creek that night and had to stay there until 10 O clock next day for the west end local and by so doing we had no fare to pay until we got to Allegan.  We got there at noon and went north on the GR (unreadable word) Road at five o clock and got in Grand Rapids at 7.  we had to layover until 11.00 before we got out of there.  got to Macinaw City at 10.30 staid all night and crossed the straits at seven o clock.  it is 8 miles across to st. I______.  We (unreadable word) an ore train at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and came another 120 miles further north.  got here 3.30 this morning.  I struck another pardner at st Ignace and as I could get a ride (unreadable word) could not I came ahed.  So Fred telegraphed for a pass yesterday and will get here today and I will meet him here and go on to gether 125 miles further. When we get there we will be about 600 miles from home.  I am writing before my breakfast so I will have to close.  Give my love to Will & Pearl.  Tell them to write when I get there I will write again so you will know where to write.

                                                                  Yours son,
                                                                      D.E. Austin
When we came across yesterday morning the straits was (unreadable word) on each side full of ice.  It was terrible rough so everybody said the wind blew like a hurricane but I thought it was fun.  Some of them were pucking they probably didn't see any fun in it.


I found out today that Wilbur M Austin, Dennis' little brother had married Pearlie Sheeler in 1889.

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